Safe Driving On The Key Peninsula For Teens
November 1, 2022
As winter rolls in, the sun rises later and transportation to and from school has become entirely during dark hours. Many new drivers are beginning to transport themselves to and from school, so safety has become the number one priority on the roads, especially on the Key Peninsula. This article will discuss key things to do and remember while driving in the dark to ensure your safety and others. This is a P.S.A on how to keep yourself and others safe on the road during the winter season.
If possible, don’t carpool, at least not with others your age. The majority of accidents involving teen drivers happen when multiple people are in the car. Passengers are ultimately distracting, each new person increasing the likelihood that the driver will pay less and less attention to the road, leading to a crash.
Maintain your car. Coming into the world of car-owners, I’ve noticed more and more people unaware of basic car needs that they ignore. No reason is good enough to excuse an accident that could have been avoided with a changed tire. Whether it be broken headlights or a more serious problem, all drivers should be aware of the state of their vehicle. So right now, if you’re the owner of an automobile, do a check on your vehicle, you might just find something that could’ve caused an accident later.
Slow down and calm down. Many accidents caused by teenagers happen during winter. Due to snow, icy roads and more people driving during holidays, the roads become an especially dangerous place. Dangerous roads are not the place for unstable emotions, being a car behind the rest will not make you late. Road rage is the most deadly during winter, so don’t fall victim to an uncontrollable environment.
Lastly, wear your seatbelt. It goes without saying, above all safety precautions, a seatbelt will be your saving grace. Just like one-strapping it with a backpack, not wearing a seatbelt isn’t cool.