Summer Jobs For Teens

Katie Clark, Reporter

Have you ever wondered what jobs were open in the summer? or wondered what people get as jobs? Or even why they want jobs, well! Jobs range in availability and how much they typically pay.

The first jobs for teens is: Assistant Summer Director  at Camp Colman – this job is fun and simply easy. It is located Lakebay Washington and pays up to 230 dollars a week as a camp director.

Now for the second job that is available in the summer is in fast food – restaurants which typically a lot of teenagers get to make a few extra bucks and some that are open is Burger King, the Snack Shack, and Carl’s Junior. These jobs are minimum wage, which deters some people. 

Here are some tips when finding a summer job:

  1. If you think of what jobs are hiring always search online and try to find something that you would be good at.
  2. Make sure you know what they pay so that you know if you are getting paid or not.
  3. If you live anywhere close to restaurants or any stores then try to apply there.
  4. Take the job offered to you! You are a teenager and most likely won’t get paid more than minimum wage, and it is a great learning opportunity. The money that you will get may be low but at least you get money at all.

Destinie Nieman, a Peninsula High School student, has worked at KFC and details her experience there. Nieman says she does not exactly enjoy it since her manager does not show up for work and leaves her to do most of the work; however, she enjoys the money she gets from it “its my first job that hadn’t rejected me and i get 12 dollars an hour.” Even though she only went with this job because she needed money, she is glad she took it.