Opinion Pieces

Isabella Rosenberger

Ideally, reading the news means a quick briefing on whatever current events had just made the headlines. Unfortunately, a retelling of these events is just that, a retelling, not to be taken too seriously and god forbid a crucial part of the story is left out. It seems that far too many of these reports are not quite the complete story, but a harsh light set on the most poignant details. Understandably, the majority of high-profile news sources write of the world’s most attention-seeking events, and to the dismay, or rather wicked interest of its reader, these stories are often depressing. 

One could argue that we must be informed regardless of how it makes us feel, for there are those who avoid the news altogether, who chose to live without the burden that these dreary reports give us. 

On the other hand, I think there is something to be said about a different kind of story. One that may not be a retelling, but instead, a story that no one has heard before. Why are we not so avid in our desire to read ideas, just as much as we dread reading the news? 

From The Wall Street Journal to The Washington Post, opinion pieces are widely as prevalent as general news, only less discussed. Yet, an opinion piece is often not how one could assume it to be: unneeded commentary someone just feels the need to write. Rather, these pieces often ask more than they tell.  

I find that the minds behind these kinds of articles are far more inquisitive than we give credit for, begging for an answer to questions many of us wouldn’t have the gall to ask the world, certainly not in an article below our own name. To many writers, an opinion piece is an opportunity to carry out an idea or inquiry through journalism. These articles often revolve around another thing, event, or person. Yet, regardless of the subject, each of these personal writings can be categorized as an opinion piece with the identification of a particular element, something we could all improve from gaining more of: perspective.